
Thank you, Dominion Energy workers

3/4/2021, 6 p.m.
A big thank you to the Dominion Energy employees who worked day and night to get us power following the ...

A big thank you to the Dominion Energy employees who worked day and night to get us power following the last two ice storms. Even though it was cold and the weather was bad, you could still see them restoring power to the various neighborhoods.

I know some people were complaining about not having power for a while, but rest assured Dominion workers were on the job 24/7. They braved the frigid elements to restore power. Many times, they are putting their lives on the line in order to restore power to us. Many times, we do not think about this when the power goes out for a period of time, but they are doing their best to restore it.

This is not an easy task when large trees have fallen on power lines causing blackouts. Even with all of these obstacles, they continue to work methodically to restore power to us.

If you feel not having power for a while is bad, just think about those who are homeless and have to brave the elements 365 days a year. Yes, we do have something to be thankful for.

Thank you, Dominion workers, for what you do for us 365 days a year.

