
Plans move forward to remove Confederate Gen. A.P. Hill monument and tomb

Jeremy M. Lazarus | 5/20/2021, 6 p.m.
The statue of Confederate Gen. A.P. Hill appears to be on its way to removal, along with his gravesite over …

The statue of Confederate Gen. A.P. Hill appears to be on its way to removal, along with his gravesite over which the statue towers at Laburnum Avenue and Hermitage Road in North Side.

Next Tuesday, May 25, the city’s Commission of Architectural Review, or CAR, will take a first look at City Hall’s plans to remove the last city-owned statue of a slavery defender.

The cost to take down the statue and disassemble the gravesite is estimated at $34,000, according to the information to be presented to CAR.

The plan is to take the statue down and remove the 45 connected stones that form the pedestal base. Also to be removed is the sarcophagus containing Gen. Hill’s remains, which will be done in coordination with the state Department of Historic Resources. The work could take three days, the report to CAR indicates.

CAR also is to consider proposals for the removal of the pedestals on Monument Avenue, atop Libbie Hill and in Monroe Park where statues honoring Confederates previously stood. The detailed information includes proposals for landscaping and plantings.

The cost of removing the pedestals for the Jefferson Davis, J.E.B. Stuart, Stonewall Jackson and Matthew Fontaine Maury monuments, as well as the pedestal for the Confederate Soldiers and Sailors monument on Libby Hill, are projected at nearly $200,000, according to estimates the North Carolina Department of Transportation provided to the city.

The Urban Design Committee, which is a separate arm of the City Planning Commission, will consider the proposals on Thursday, June 10. If there are no postponements, the Planning Commission could consider the plans for removal on Monday, June 21.

The only other Confederate statue — that of Gen. Robert E. Lee on Monument Avenue — is the largest and owned by the state.

The state has been trying to take down the statue for nearly a year. The state Supreme Court has halted its removal because of a pending lawsuit from three nearby property owners contesting the authority of Gov. Ralph S. Northam to remove the statue.

A hearing is scheduled for June 8 before the court.