
Déjà vu for 2022?, by Julianne Malveaux

11/4/2021, 6 p.m.
It was great to see former President Obama in Richmond campaigning with former governor and Democratic gubernatorial candidate Terry McAuliffe ...
Julianne Malveaux

It was great to see former President Obama in Richmond campaigning with former governor and Democratic gubernatorial candidate Terry McAuliffe on Oct. 23. He reminded me of a college pep rally cheerleader in some ways, encouraging people to get out and vote for Mr. McAuliffe and do it now since Virginia has early voting.

The cheerleader description is not meant to be disparaging. Except for the gray hair he joked about, President Obama appeared youthful and energized as he moved around the stage, voice booming. He also seemed wise as he talked about what is at stake in Virginia, nothing less than our democracy.

Virginia went blue in 2020, with President Biden carrying the state by 10 points. Since then, though, President Biden’s approval ratings have plummeted. If Democrats lose governor’s races in Virginia and New Jersey on Nov. 2, that may bode ill for 2022 congressional elections.

Democrats already hold a very narrow margin in the House of Representatives. Historical patterns suggest that the president’s party is likely to lose seats in midterm elections. If Democrats lose more than four seats, they lose control of the House. The 2022 electoral outcomes hinge on turnout, which is why redistricting is a matter of extreme concern and why the voter suppression measures Republicans are introducing in state after state may influence electoral outcomes. Voter turnout will make the difference between whether Democrats can maintain majorities in the House and Senate, but Democratic enthusiasm, over the top in 2020, may be muted in 2022.

President Biden made big promises during the 2020 campaign. Among other things, he told Black voters that he had our backs. What can activists tell Black voters in 2022? Will people who yearn for economic security, better jobs and voting rights be satisfied if all President Biden and his team can say is “We tried”?

Republican intransigence and the rigidity of Democratic Sens. Joe Manchin of West Virginia and Kyrsten Sinema of Arizona have resulted in alterations to President Biden’s ambitious Build Back Better legislation. The free community college proposal already has been withdrawn. Will voters be left with enough to motivate them to vote in 2022?

President Obama came into office in 2009 with lots of legislative ideas. He pushed the Affordable Care Act hard and it passed, expanding health care opportunities for tens of millions of our citizens. But he advocated for that legislation during a recession when many people were more eager for jobs than for health care. The two go together, but jobs are a priority in the middle of a recession. The result? Flawed Republican messaging, combined with general electoral malaise, turned a Democratic Congress into a Republican one.

President Obama spent the next two years fighting folks who promised to make him a one-term president. He got much less done than he might have, and Republicans set the stage by their opposition for the victory of the 45th president.

That former president would love to make a comeback, and although Republicans know better, many are rallying around him. Will the 2022 elections set the stage for a recidivist comeback?

Our nation seems hopelessly divided. Republicans are increasingly extremists and Democrats are both apathetic and estranged. Progressive Democrats have allowed the great to get in the way of the good, insisting on things that have no possibility of passing in the Senate, tanking legislation before it is even introduced.

Progressives aren’t entirely wrong to insist on a higher minimum wage, expanded health care, child tax credits and economic relief. Still, politics is the art of compromise. How do we compromise on our fundamental rights, like our voting rights? Bravo to President Biden for backing off his embrace of the filibuster, but have his comments—and not actions— been too little, too late?

If the electorate is not motivated by these first months of the Biden administration, will they be inclined to vote in 2022? If they aren’t, we are dealing with 2010 déjà vu. And if that déjà vu returns the former grafter and morally bankrupt president to office, the entire nation will suffer.

The writer is an economist, author and dean of the College of Ethnic Studies at Cal State University, Los Angeles.