
The moral arc of the universe bends

2/17/2022, 6 p.m.
Re Editorial “Biden must select a justice for all,” Free Press Feb. 3-5 edition:

Re Editorial “Biden must select a justice for all,” Free Press Feb. 3-5 edition:

Readers must have chuckled as I did when reading the editorial in the Free Press reflecting on U.S. Supreme Court Justice Stephen G. Breyer’s recent decision to retire, thus providing President Biden his first pick for the court.

President Biden stated he intends to nominate a Black woman to replace the retiring justice.

“For that we say, ‘Bravo!’ ” the editorial stated.

That’s when my sense of humor kicked in.

There’s also a sense of justice with that because I remember back in 1991 when lawyer, educator and author Anita Hill, a Black woman, accused a U.S. Supreme Court nominee of sexual harassment when he was her supervisor at the U.S. Equal Employment Opportunity Commission.

With President Biden’s intention to now nominate a Black woman for the nation’s highest court, Ms. Hill may be smiling and praising the Lord for shortening the moral arc of the universe now bending toward justice, as Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. proclaimed. And Justice Thomas now may be squirming in his chair, pondering his retirement.

