
Richmond Public Schools moves out of 14th floor in City Hall

Jeremy M. Lazarus | 3/31/2022, 6 p.m.
Richmond Public Schools is starting to give up floors in City Hall.

Richmond Public Schools is starting to give up floors in City Hall.

The departure is happening quietly, without any of the drama that occurred 14 years ago when then-Mayor L. Douglas Wilder tried and failed to evict RPS from the building.

RPS already has given up the 14th floor, RPS spokeswoman Sarah Abubaker stated, in agreeing to a request from Mayor Levar M. Stoney’s administration.

That is one of the six floors the school system has occupied in the 18-story government building at 9th and Broad streets since the skyscraper opened 50 years ago.

Ms. Abubaker said the academics central office staff has been moved from the 14th floor to the former Albert V. Norrell Elementary School building on Fendall Avenue in North Side that now houses a variety of school offices.

The Stoney administration has not disclosed which city department or departments would move onto the floor RPS has given up.

RPS still occupies floors 12, 13, 15, 16 and 17, where the office of Superintendent Jason Kamras is located, Ms. Abubaker said.

However, additional space is to be cleared, according to Michelle Hudacsko, Mr. Kamras’ chief of staff.

While there have been no moves yet, Ms. Hudacsko stated in an email that “other central office shifts to move some folks from City Hall to Norrell are in process.”

Ms. Hudacsko said that a specific timetable has not been set for any additional moves of personnel from the Downtown office building.