
Virginia NAACP responds to traffic stop data

8/10/2023, 6 p.m.
The Virginia State Conference NAACP (Virginia NAACP) acknowledges the findings of the 2023 Report on Analysis of Traffic Stop Data …

The Virginia State Conference NAACP (Virginia NAACP) acknowledges the findings of the 2023 Report on Analysis of Traffic Stop Data Collected under Virginia’s Community Policing Act. It continues to be alarming that Black drivers are 19.4% of the driving population but make up 30.4% of those who are stopped. The report findings are also alarming that Hispanic and Native American/Indian Americans also are stopped at a higher percentage than their population.

“Based on this report, it is clear that Black Virginians are stopped by police for traffic violations more often than other Virginians,” said Robert N. Barnette, Jr., president of the Virginia NAACP. “This is not a one city or county problem, this is a problem across the

Commonwealth. The Virginia NAACP is prepared to work with local police departments, sheriff departments, and the Virginia State Police to address this issue.”

The Virginia NAACP’s commitment is to work with law enforcement agencies to ensure transparency in training and recruitment and to review its diversity, equity and inclusion policies and training.

The Virginia NAACP will continue to fight against unfair policing and work toward ending structural racism in our justice system.


Director of Administration

Virginia State Conference NAACP