
Gary Flowers mum on facts, says Paul Goldman

11/30/2023, 6 p.m.
A recent Free Press commentary by Gary Flowers highlights the fundamental political choice facing Richmond.

A recent Free Press commentary by Gary Flowers highlights the fundamental political choice facing Richmond.

Mr. Flowers used his Urban One radio show to be the cheerleader for the proposed Richmond Grand Resort and Casino. His side lost the 2021 referendum by 2%. This November they lost by 24%, doing worse in every neighborhood. Yet he persists in blaming the racism of the opposition for the defeat. I ran the “No” campaign. Yes, Mr. Flowers, I am white.

Indeed in 1986, Richmond Free Press founder Ray Boone told me: “Paul, because you were the only white person willing to run Doug’s campaign is not going to matter to certain people.”

During the 2023 casino referendum, developer Kathy Hughes allowed her Urban One station to be used to call me vile “antisemitic” J-words. She also promoted “racist” N-word attacks against other casino opponents including pastors and their congregations.

Mr. Flowers’ column is conveniently silent on these facts. So according to Mr. Flowers his side used racist tactics, but it was my supposed racism that caused his landslide defeat!

Get real man. The Free Press recently discussed my 2024 charter change proposal aimed at making Richmond the best place to raise a child in America. We must reject the old politics of division and instead embrace a new politics of inclusion.

The casino backers went with Gary Flowers. Doug Wilder chose me. They got crushed. He made history.

It’s your choice Richmond.

Paul Goldman
