
Personality: Lloyd Young

Spotlight on founder of River City Dreams

8/8/2024, 6 p.m.
Lloyd Young’s journey began in New Kent County, where he dreamed of playing college football. He achieved this goal and …

Lloyd Young’s journey began in New Kent County, where he dreamed of playing college football. He achieved this goal and also earned a scholarship to Virginia State University. His success on and off the field led to a degree in engineering technology, paving the way for a career in construction project management.

However, he remains focused on another major goal — uplifting children in underserved communities.

As an athlete and scholar, he learned that a career in sports doesn’t have to be on the field. He wants kids to understand that there’s an array of possibilities, no matter the field or industry — including sports.

“A lot of boys like to play sports or video games, and they want to be professional athletes, but we can help them understand that they can earn a good living in sports management or coding for video games,” Young said.

Young founded River City Dreams to provide opportunities for youths to nurture their talents and potential, whether it be science, technology, engineering, arts, or math (STEAM). Although the organization is in its infancy, Young already has touched the lives of over 500 children and garnered support from major corporate entities such as Target, Publix and Microsoft.

He says there were signals that the time was right to take a leap of faith.

“It may have been seeing the other kids who play touch football with my kids, a memory that popped up on social media from 2008, or what my parents instilled in me about helping others,”

Young shared. “I just knew I wanted to help kids and uplift them. It drives my passion and commitment to the cause.”

After graduating from VSU, jobs led him to New Orleans and Atlanta, but he landed in Virginia Beach, his wife’s hometown. She also went to Virginia State, but they met through mutual friends after graduation. 

They married in 2009 after he proposed during a surprise dinner surrounded by family and friends.

Young and his wife moved to Richmond five years ago so that she could pursue her career goals while he opened a Richmond branch for his construction management company. Young enjoys his work, where the company does everything from renovations to new construction for disabled veterans.

On the weekends, he drives his sons to their sporting events and coaches flag football. He’s also busy canvassing for local and state candidates and setting up voter registration drives at churches.

Living in New Orleans for 18 months significantly influenced Young’s food choices.

Although he loves Italian food — especially lasagne and spaghetti — he grills whole hogs and alligators, which are Louisiana staples. Catfish and gumbo also are on the menu.

He says he makes an effort to eat somewhat healthy by cutting back on fried foods for a better diet.

Meet the former athlete turned advocate who shows children that they can make their mark on the world on the field or off, and this week’s Personality, Lloyd James: 

Volunteer position: Founder, River City Dreams.

Occupation: Construction project manager.

Date and place of birth: 1977 in Boston.

Where I live now: Glen Allen.

Education: Bachelor’s in engineering technology, Virginia State University.

Family: Wife, Courtney, and sons Aiden and Eli.

Tell us about River City Dreams: We’re a nonprofit organization dedicated to advancing education and community empowerment initiatives for underserved youth communities. Through strategic partnerships and innovative programs, River City Dreams strives to bridge the educational gap and empower young minds to reach their full potential.

Mission: At River City Dreams, we aim to provide an immersive and holistic experience that nurtures the athletic, intellectual and creative potential of young individuals with a passion for sports.

By seamlessly integrating the excitement of the game with the wonders of Discovering Research, Engineering, Arts, Math and Science, we aim to inspire youths to become well-rounded leaders who embrace challenges, embody sportsmanship and innovate in all aspects of their lives. Through a year-round journey of exploration, growth and camaraderie, we empower our campers to dream big, excel both in and out of the game and embrace their roles as lifelong learners and enthusiastic athletes.

When and why founded: River City Dreams was officially started in February 2024 as a result of me wanting to expose kids to STEAM.

Location: Henrico.

River City Dreams is funded by: Donations, grants and sponsorships.

River City Dreams is specifically for: Children in underserved communities age 10 to17.

Programs River City Dreams provides: STEAM Camps, mentorship programs, community engagement events and workshops.

Our No. 1 goal or project: No. 1 goal is for kids to excel both in and out of the game and embrace their roles as lifelong learners and enthusiastic athletes.

Strategy for achieving goals: Engaging partnerships with schools, local organizations and industry stakeholders.

No. 1 challenge: Funding.

How River City Dreams has impacted lives since founding: We impacted over 500 kids in 2024. Many of them have expressed an interest in STEAM.

Ways to get involved with River City Dreams: Email rivercitydreamsva@gmail.com.

River City Dreams partners with: Microsoft, Harlem Globetrotters, Holeman Enterprises, Blade Therapy Barbershop, J&F Alliance Group, More Than Therapy LLC and Fresh Beast Collection.

Upcoming events: Back to School Festival, Motorsports Weekend, McCoding, Trojan STEAM Weekend, Umbrellas for Change, RCD Turkey Fall Festival, RCD Winter Holiday Clothes Drive and others.

How I start the day: I thank God for allowing me to see another day.

The three words that best describe me: Loyal, trustworthy and kind.

If I had 10 extra minutes in the day: I would use that to prepare for the next day.

If I hosted a dinner party my special guest would be: Michael Jordan, he is the GOAT.

Best late-night snack: Honey roasted peanuts

Top three on my playlist: Jay-Z “Song Cry,” 2Pac “Dear Mama” and Jack Harlow “What’s Poppin.’”

Something I love to do that most people would never imagine: I wrote a book and look to write another one in 2025.

A quote that inspires me: “If you have no confidence in self, you are twice defeated in the race of life.” — Marcus Garvey

At the top of my “to-do” list: 2024 events for River City Dreams and creating the 2025 calendar.

The best thing my parents ever taught me: Work hard and give 110% in whatever you do.

The people who influenced me the most: My parents.

Book that influenced me the most: “Brother to Brother: Motivation for Young African American Men” by Lloyd Young, Jr. Lloyd A. Young Sean Young and Keon Young. My fathers and brothers wrote this book together, it inspired me to write another book.

What I’m reading now: “Love & Whiskey” by Fawn Weaver. Takeaway is that one can obtain success through hard work, dedication and having a strategic plan.

Next goal: Take 20 River City Dreams Kids to Bahamas in June 2025 for STEAM Weekend.