
Personality: Dwight Jones

Spotlight on president of Richmond Chapter of the National Negro Golf Association

7/18/2024, 6 p.m.
Michigan native Dwight Jones is deeply committed to the community that welcomed him 17 years ago. As the president of …

Michigan native Dwight Jones is deeply committed to the community that welcomed him 17 years ago. As the president of the Richmond Chapter of the National Negro Golf Association, Jones not only enjoys a good game of golf but also the community spirit of the club. His dedication to the NNGA and his community is a testament to his values and commitment.

Jones grew up in Saginaw, Mich., where his parents, originally from Tennessee, instilled Southern values. He describes his childhood neighborhood as a lower middle class, tight-knit, self-governed black neighborhood. Jones said he didn’t know his upbringing was that of the lower middle class until he went to Howard University in Washington, D.C. where he met wealthier students.

Jones graduated with a bachelor’s in accounting. However, he knew he didn’t want to return to Saginaw to work at a General Motors factory. So, he took a job at an accounting firm in the D.C. area.

“In accounting and finance, I can be a strategic partner in the business,” Jones said. “I see all aspects of the business.”

His career has led him to live in New York and New Jersey and travel globally. He’s chief financial officer for Hunton Andrews Kurth, a global law firm with offices in Richmond.

“I did a lot of corporate moves during my career,” he explained. “When I came to Richmond, I figured I’d be here for a few years, but it’s been 17 years. It’s home for me now.”

Jones has no plans to retire any time soon. Along with his volunteer work with the Richmond chapter of the National Negro Golf Association, he’s on the board of the Virginia Center for Inclusive Communities, works with the Peter Paul Development Center, and continues to do community service with his fraternity.

Meet the president of the Richmond Chapter of the National Negro Golf Association, who loves Richmond like a native and wants to give back, and this week’s Personality, Dwight Jones:

Volunteer position: President, Richmond Chapter of National Negro Golf Association (NNGA).

Occupation: Chief financial officer of Hunton Andrews Kurth LLP.

Date and place of birth: July 10, in Saginaw, Mich.

Where I live now: Glen Allen.

Education: Howard University.

Family: Son, Dwight W. Jones II. Parents, Walter and Charlene Jones.

NNGA is: An organization whose mission to bring together men in the spirit of camaraderie and social enjoyment of its members. We golf to enhance the spirit and cement our camaraderie. We have fun!

When, where and why founded: The NNGA was founded in Lebanon, Pa., in July 1965.

A small group of black professional students needed to reunite and relive their golden college days. Golf provided the vehicle that brought them back together in Lebanon, a midpoint between New York, Washington, and Cleveland.

Who should join NNGA: We are always open to welcoming those who share our fun, camaraderie, and golf philosophy.

Our ranks have included elected officials, successful professionals, construction workers, and laborers, showcasing our diversity and inclusivity.

What should people know about NNGA: While our mission focuses on the enjoyment of our members, NNGA recognizes the need to play a role in our communities. NNGA’s interest in youths has inspired us to raise hundreds of thousands of dollars for the United Negro College Fund through sponsorship of celebrity golf tournaments in chapter cities. The NNGA also supports the National Minority Junior Golf Scholarship Fund. NNGA is committed to helping others and bringing people from all walks of life together for fun and golf.

Number of chapters: We have seven chapters— Atlanta, Cleveland, New York, Philadelphia, Richmond, Washington DC, and independent (it’s for those who don’t live in those six cities).

Number of members collectively: Over 200.

When was the Richmond Chapter of the NNGA founded: Our chapter was founded in October 1987 at the NNGA National Meeting in Jamaica.

When does RNNGA play: The RNNGA golfing season is from April until the National Tournament in October. Rounds are scheduled each Saturday from April to October unless there is a holiday, a chapter tournament, or a national tournament.

Local founders: George Hampton, Tyrone Dickerson, Henry “Skinny” Martin, Alvin Hunter, James Holley, Lorenzo Shoffner, W.W. Walston and Gov. L. Douglas Wilder.

Number of local members: We have 45 active members. 

When and why I became a member: I became a member in 2010. When I relocated to the area in late 2007, I connected with college classmates, friends, and fraternity brothers through golf. Many of them were members of RNNGA.

Who is welcome to join: You must be at least 21 years of age and have the sponsorship of a current member in good standing. You must participate in at least 25% of the Richmond Club’s activities, meetings, weekend events and tournaments and at least four other chapter tournaments and national tournaments over two years.

When elected Richmond chapter president: 2023.

Why I accepted the position: It is my duty and responsibility to serve in a leadership role for an organization and membership that I respect and whose company I enjoy.

No. 1 goal or project for the Richmond chapter: To continue the tradition of fun, camaraderie and golf, grow the membership and introduce the game of golf to people of color, both young and old.

How I got into the sport: A mentor introduced me to the game in my late 20s, and I fell in love with it.

What golf means to me: It is a form of therapy. Having been an athlete and no longer able to compete in traditional sports, golf provides an opportunity to participate in a competitive, challenging sport requiring continuous improvement.

The person I would most like to play a round of golf with: Tiger Woods.

Ways to get involved with RNNGA: You can contact us via the national website, reach out to a current member, or reach out to me.

Upcoming event: The Summer Tournament July 18-21 at the Brickshire Golf Club and the Mattaponi Springs Golf Club.

How I start the day: I reflect on the day that passed and plan the day ahead.

The three words that best describe me: Scholarship, perseverance and uplift.

If I had 10 extra minutes in the day, I would: Connect with family, friends and loved ones.

If I hosted a dream dinner party, my one special guest would be: Nelson Mandela. I admire his conviction in making change.

Best late-night snack: Popcorn!

Top three on my music playlist: Anything by Prince.

Something I love to do that most people would never imagine: I attend the theater.

A quote that inspires me: “He who is not courageous enough to take risks will accomplish nothing in life.”

The best thing my parents ever taught me: Courage and patience.

The person who influenced me the most: My parents.

A book that influenced me the most and how: “The Autobiography of Malcolm X,” by Alex Haley and Malcolm X.

What I’m reading now: “Zen and the Art of Motorcycle Maintenance,” by Robert M. Pirsig.

Next goal: I will improve my golf game and maintain good health.