

9/5/2024, 6 p.m.
It needs to be said – the Republican nominee isn’t being treated fairly by the mainstream media. I think he …

It needs to be said – the Republican nominee isn’t being treated fairly by the mainstream media. I think he might agree with that notion, but it’s becoming more and more difficult to predict what the 78-year-old convicted felon might say. There’s been a noticeable dip in the former president’s ability to speak coherently in the last few months. He’s embraced conspiracy theories, made them up on the spot, changed positions on major issues without notice or explanation and lied all over the place.

If another candidate had done some of these things, their mental condition would be a news story.

Remember our friend Joe Biden? His debate missteps became a national news story that led him to step down from his campaign. But much of the media is silent when Donald Trump appears to be mentally unraveling on stages and in interviews. His latest rant was against schools that he said provide sex change operations to students.

“Think of it; your kid goes to school, and he comes home a few days later with an operation. The school decides what’s going to happen with your child,” he said.

Of course, these schools don’t exist anywhere, but that’s not the point. The gatekeepers of the mainstream media are under the assumption that the former president is good for business and continue to allow their producers and reporters to pretend these comments are part of the normal political discourse. This is a dangerous narrative that can’t be allowed to continue.

There’s only one way to cancel this frightening reality show the media has helped create – vote.