

Kevasia Taylor, 5, center, takes a break from shopping to rattle off her detailed Christmas list to Santa Claus, while 10-year-old Quanasia Hubbard waits to share her list during the Prince Hall Masons’ Operation Santa Claus last Saturday. Location: Walmart on Sheila Lane in South Side.

Kevasia Taylor, 5, center, takes a break from shopping to rattle off her detailed Christmas list to Santa Claus, while 10-year-old Quanasia Hubbard waits to share her list during the Prince Hall Masons’ Operation Santa Claus last Saturday. Location: Walmart on Sheila Lane in South Side.

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Tease photo

Operation Santa Claus provides Christmas cheer for area families

The holiday season is a time of celebration for many people. But for families struggling to make ends meet, a bountiful Christmas can be out of reach.