A dog tests the waters of Shield’s Lake in Byrd Park on Tuesday to see if he wants to join the gaggle of geese enjoying the unseasonably warm weather. The National Weather Service recorded a high temperature of 73 degrees Tuesday in Richmond, which is well above the normal 48 degree high for this time of year. Temperatures should remain mild through the weekend, with highs in the low 60s and rain possible on Sunday. A return to cooler, more seasonal weather is expected early next week.
Nandina in North Side
Lauding Lauderdale // Mary C. Lauderdale, operations manager of the Black History Museum and Cultural Center of Virginia, is surprised with a celebration last Friday honoring her 20 years of service at the museum in Jackson Ward. A steady fixture at the museum, Ms. Lauderdale has performed numerous jobs during her tenure, including chief docent, gift shop manager, head of visitor services and museum manager. The surprise event featured African drummers, speeches by area artists and museum board members, presentation of a portrait by Richmond artists Jerome Jones Jr. and his son, Jeromyah Jones, a champagne toast, cake and hors d’oeuvres.
Lauding Lauderdale // Ms. Lauderdale is supported during the surprise by Heather Anderson.