
Police funding decision before City Council Dec. 12

12/9/2016, 1:04 a.m.
Richmond City Council has dropped its plan to hold a special meeting to shift $1.7 million to the city Police …

Richmond City Council has dropped its plan to hold a special meeting to shift $1.7 million to the city Police Department to cover the cost of hiring and training 20 recruits.

Instead, Police Chief Alfred Durham will have to wait until the regular meeting on Monday, Dec. 12, to secure the council vote, which is expected to be unanimous.

Chief Durham only had enough money for one class of 25 recruits in the fiscal year that began July 1 and sought additional funding for a second class to help beef up his depleted department. It takes seven months of training, he has said, for a recruit to become an officer.

Mayor Dwight C. Jones introduced legislation on Nov. 14 to provide the additional $1.7 million for an extra recruit class, and Council Vice President Chris A. Hilbert had called for a special meeting after Thanksgiving to vote on that legislation.

“No one is more disappointed than I am” that the council will not vote on the funding at a special meeting the council will hold on Monday, Dec. 5, said Councilman Hilbert, 3rd District.

“Unfortunately, the papers were introduced with a public hearing date for Dec. 12,” Mr. Hilbert said. “I thought the public hearing date could be changed with the notice of a special meeting. The city attorney opined differently.” — JEREMY M. LAZARUS