
New year starts with blessings of cars

Jeremy M. Lazarus | 1/6/2017, 9:04 p.m.
The new year rolled in with a special transportation blessing for three Richmond area women. Kambria Cook, Vivian Jefferson and …

The new year rolled in with a special transportation blessing for three Richmond area women.

Kambria Cook, Vivian Jefferson and Beverly Tyler each received free cars on New Year’s Eve from Village of Faith Ministries, which has sanctuaries in Henrico and Chesterfield counties.

They are the latest beneficiaries of the vehicle giveaway program begun nine years ago by the church led by Pastor Michael J. Jones.

Pastor Jones, who officially took his seat on Richmond City Council this week representing the city’s 9th District, said the church began its Cars IV Christ Ministry in a bid to change conditions for people in need, particularly for single mothers.

“We wanted to bless people,” said the pastor, who said the once-a-year giveaway is not restricted to a certain group.

“You don’t have to be a member of the church or even a Christian,” he said. “This program is open to anyone regardless of race or faith. You just have to be a person in need who could benefit from better transportation.”

He said the church accepts applications throughout the year for the giveaway during the Watch Night Service on Dec. 31. He said the only requirements are that applicants be employed and able to pay the cost of insurance and registration.

If there are more applicants than cars, the church then makes the decision on the winners. This year, the three women were the only applicants.

His favorite story is the year in which one of the vehicles went to a musician who played at Village of Faith.

“He was actually living out of his car because he was homeless, and he needed help when his car broke down. He was overjoyed when he was a recipient,” he said.

Pastor Jones said all of the vehicles are used. Some are donations from members and others in the community who support the ministry.

“If they are in good shape, we make whatever minor repairs are needed. Otherwise, we sell them and use the money in the ministry,” he said.

The church also works with several used car dealers to obtain vehicles, he said.