
Hurry, Jan. 20

1/7/2021, 6 p.m.
We remain disgusted by President Trump and his continued assault on democracy — this time stemming from his refusal to …

We remain disgusted by President Trump and his continued assault on democracy — this time stemming from his refusal to accept the outcome of the November presidential election.

And we are outraged by the Republican lawmakers who continue to back this belligerent and delusional president by trying to derail Congress’ process to certify the Electoral College vote showing that Democrat Joe Biden will be the next president of the United States. They are just as guilty as President Trump for fanning the flames to incite armed Trump goons to tear down metal barricades and storm the U.S. Capitol on Wednesday afternoon, causing a lockdown and members of Congress to be sequestered for security.

This president, who has incited hatred, violence and chaos for the last four years, will not be happy until the Capitol and White House are burned down and rioting and shooting reigns in the streets.

Make no mistake: This is President Trump’s attempt at a coup to remain in office.

It is a continuation of President Trump’s effort that included his Jan. 2 phone call to intimidate and coerce Georgia Secretary of State Brad Raffensperger to “find” him 11,780 fake votes.

If Mr. Raffensperger hadn’t had the presence of mind to record the hourlong phone call, we are certain President Trump would now claim it as a hoax or a joke, or that Mr. Raffensperger was lying.

The stomach-turning audiotape, available for the public to hear on The Washington Post’s website, should raise the ire of even the most ardent Trump supporters who claim to be patriots. The tape clearly shows the president trying to strong-arm a state official into changing enough votes to overturn President-elect Biden’s victory in Georgia and manufacture a Trump win.

That not only undermines our democracy, it’s a criminal offense that also violates election laws and warrants an investigation by the FBI and other authorities. We call on Fani Willis, the newly elected Fulton County, Ga., district attorney, to pursue this case with vigor and to the full extent of the law.

Ms. Willis, a 1992 Howard University graduate cum laude with a law degree from Emory University, had 16 years of experience as a prosecutor before being appointed a judge on the South Fulton Municipal Court in 2019. She stepped down to run for district attorney.

She will know what to do and how to handle President Trump. Clearly, the shameful GOP does not.

Jan. 20 cannot arrive soon enough, when President Biden and Vice President Kamala Harris will be inaugurated at noon. The entire nation will be better off.