
Congressional redistricting also heads to Va. Supreme Court

10/28/2021, 6 p.m.
The Virginia Supreme Court just got a new assignment: Draw new boundaries for Virginia’s 11 congressional districts based on results …

The Virginia Supreme Court just got a new assignment: Draw new boundaries for Virginia’s 11 congressional districts based on results of the 2020 Census.

The 16-member Virginia Redistricting Commission, created by a voter-approved constitutional amendment, found itself split 8-8 along partisan lines last week in trying to find a starting point to draw new boundary lines. The commission, whose membership is evenly split among Democrats and Republicans, then simply ended its sessions before Monday’s deadline to create a redistricting plan to send to the General Assembly for approval.

The court already has the task of creating new district lines for the House of Delegates and the state Senate after the commission failed to come up with new maps by the Oct. 10 deadline because of partisan disagreement.