
VSU announces new center for biotechnology and other sciences

Free Press staff report | 12/1/2022, 6 p.m.
Virginia State University has announced the establishment of the VSU Center for Biotechnology, Genomics, and Bioinformatics, which is believed to …

Virginia State University has announced the establishment of the VSU Center for Biotechnology, Genomics, and Bioinformatics, which is believed to be unique among HBCUs nationwide.

The center will be a hub for interdisciplinary education and research on the VSU campus, according to the university.

The VSU CeBiGeBi will also provide VSU students with state-of-the-art and interdisciplinary training in biotechnology, biopharmaceutical manufacturing, and bioinformatics by integrating biology, engineering, chemistry, mathematics, computer science, and other related disciplines. Such knowledge and skills are also essential in biomedical sciences, agriculture, forensics, paternity/ maternity testing, ancestry studies, environmental protection, and fundamental biological research, it was announced in a VSU news release.

“We are excited to provide extensive training in these high-in-demand fields. We look forward to preparing VSU graduates for a variety of high-quality career opportunities and opportunities to become leaders in fields with the potential to have a global impact,” said Dr. Xianfa Xie, associate professor in the VSU Department of Biology and the founding director of the VSU CeBiGeBi.

As an interdisciplinary education and research center, the VSU CeBiGeBi will develop B.S. degree programs in Biotechnology and Biomedical Sciences; certificate programs in Genomics and Bioinformatics; accelerated M.S. Pro- grams in Health Informatics, Public Health Data Science, and Bioinformatics. It also will facilitate the creation of a new cross-college and interdepartmental doctoral program and help VSU students enroll in doctoral/professional programs in related areas or find job opportunities, the university stated.