
Mask requirement on public transportation slated to end March 18

3/10/2022, 6 p.m.
GRTC passengers could go maskless beginning Saturday, March 19.

GRTC passengers could go maskless beginning Saturday, March 19.

So could airline and train passengers and others taking public transit.

Unless President Biden or the federal Centers for Disease Control and Prevention extend the COVID-19 mask provision, the requirement for people flying or using public transportation to wear a face mask will end Friday, March 18.

As a precaution, bus drivers, airline pilots and stewardesses and train conductors may maintain their masks if the mandate for passengers to wear masks ends.

“I will be encouraging our members to continue to wear masks if those boarding our buses no longer have to,” said Maurice L. Carter, president and business agent for Local 1220 of the Amalgamated Transit Union, which represents GRTC drivers and other employees.

“We know that COVID-19 will still be with us once the mask requirement ends. But our drivers and others in jobs that come in contact with the public should be alright if they continue to wear masks to protect themselves,” Mr. Carter said.