
Concern for Creighton Court residents

7/27/2023, 6 p.m.
That was a very good and detailed article on the residents of Creighton Court (Richmond Free Press, July 13-15, 2023). …

That was a very good and detailed article on the residents of Creighton Court (Richmond Free Press, July 13-15, 2023). Many (Creighton Court residents) have a right to be worried about where they will live when their housing is demolished. One of the residents stated “Just because we’re public housing (residents) does not make us any less.”

Yes, (public housing residents) should be given the same consideration as anyone else.

It seems as if we are always anxious to jump on projects that create revenue. But do we think about the human beings that will be impacted?

It was stated by a resident that (Mayor Levar M. Stoney) talks about mixed-income, affordable housing but nobody can answer the question, “What is affordable housing? Affordable for whom?” the resident asked.

I am not saying that this is not a great project, but has this project been fully thought out?

Yes, after reading this article, it does seem that Creighton Court residents have reason to be scared or anxious concerning where their new living quarters will be.

City officials need to ensure that every citizen gets a fair shake, regardless of their economic standing.

There is an old saying, I am my brother’s keeper. Let’s ensure this is still true even today.

