
Love Stories

2/12/2016, 7:42 p.m.
We formally met in the spring of 1999, introduced by mutual friends at a poetry and live music event. Our …

Liz and Brad Mackey

Married 14 years

Mr. and Mrs. Mackey

Mr. and Mrs. Mackey

We formally met in the spring of 1999, introduced by mutual friends at a poetry and live music event. Our paths had crossed a few times the previous year.

That night, we talked almost three hours about our journeys, our families, relationships and our hopes and dreams for the future. A friendship was formed and we talked almost daily during the next week.

Our first “official” date was the following week. We met Downtown — Liz in jeans and a T-shirt; Brad in a blazer and linen slacks — grabbed lunch from one of the street vendors and walked to Kanawha Plaza to enjoy the beautiful spring day. After dating three or four months consistently, we knew we wanted our friendship to grow and introduced each other to our families.

Our relationship would evolve and we would experience several landmarks during the next two years of dating exclusively. We were engaged at St. Philip’s Episcopal Church — Liz’s family church — after attending Ash Wednesday service, and would later receive the blessing of Holy Matrimony from the Rev. Canon Charles L. L. Poindexter at St. Philip’s on Aug. 3, 2002.

To this day, our church family uplifts us and provides unwavering love and support. During our almost 17 years together, we have experienced highs and lows, as couples do, but stand firm on God’s promise that love never fails.

“Love is patient, love is kind, it does not envy, it does not boast, it is not proud. It is not rude, it is not self-seeking, it is not easily angered, it keeps no record of wrongs. Love does not delight in evil but rejoices in truth. It always protects, always trusts, always hopes, always perseveres. Love never fails.” – I Corinthians 13:4

Liz is director of the Virginia Fair Housing Office. Brad is a commercial claims examiner with Erie Insurance Co.

Rose and Randy Adams

Married 40 years

We have been married 40 glorious and happy years. We had a beautiful, outdoor wedding in Maymont Park on a very hot June day.

We kid each other about Randy leaving our vows at the house. We had informed our minister that we had written our own vows and wanted him to read them. With some hesitation, the minister agreed.

We were almost at Maymont Park when Randy announced he had forgotten our vows! We were already a little late and did not have time to return to retrieve them, so we proceeded to the site of our wedding celebration wondering what we would do.

As we stood in front of the minister, we softly whispered we had forgotten the vows. He was not prepared to read the traditional vows and did not have a script. So he asked everyone to bow their heads for prayer and he prayed. He said a few words and prayed again and again and again.

We think he prayed four or five times — so many that almost the entire ceremony was him praying! 

We feel it was our minister’s continual prayers that have kept us together for 40 years. And of course the love and friendship we have for each other.

In these 40 years, we have traveled all over the world and shared so many life experiences. We continue to travel and “live life” to this day. We recently made our “bucket list” and are looking forward to crossing off No. 1 — an Alaskan cruise — in August.

We have lived a wonderful and blessed life together and continue to “live life.”

Our new motto: Live and love life while remembering the friendship you shared in the very beginning.

Rose, a retired Richmond Public Schools counselor, has worn many hats, including that of entrepreneur, real estate sales agent and investor and property manager. Randy is a pediatric dentist in Richmond.

Dr. and Mrs. Woolfolk

Dr. and Mrs. Woolfolk

Cindy Creasy and Royce Woolfolk

Married 24 years

Royce and I like to say we met “by accident.”

In November 1987, I was involved in a hit-and-run accident on my way to work. Very upset, I entered a dentist’s office nearby and asked to call the police. Because my car was no longer operational, I also needed to call my employer, my roommate to pick me up and my parents. The receptionist allowed me to make my calls. Noticing that I had a bump on my head, she suggested that the dentist take a look to make sure I didn’t have a concussion or need further medical attention. 

The dentist came to check on me and he was kind, sympathetic and reassuring. I remember thinking that he was the nicest, most handsome dentist I had ever met.

My career took me to New Orleans, but brought me back to Richmond two years later when I worked for the local FOX affiliate.

At an event, a very nice looking man approached and called me by name and proceeded to tell me how much he knew about me — what kind of car I drove, where my parents lived, the job I had once had. But he would not reveal exactly how he knew all of this.

Although he looked vaguely familiar, I could not place him. He joked that if I went out with him, he would tell me the whole story. While he was quite charming, comical and certainly mysterious, I declined, not quite making the connection.

My friend who picked me up after the accident and I eventually put two and two together, realizing he was the charming dentist. But, at the time, I chose not to pursue it further.

A few months later, he showed up at the FOX station and asked me out. At that point, I told him that I remembered him and, at the urging of my co-workers, I went on the date.

The rest is history.

Three months later, we were engaged. Six months later, we were married, with my friend/roommate serving as maid of honor. And this May, we will celebrate our 25th anniversary.

We have two children, Royce Woodson Woolfolk III, 21, and Nicholas Woolfolk, 16, and two dogs. And we have lived in North Side for 24 years.

Cindy is founder and president of Creasy Woolfolk Concepts, a public relations and advertising firm specializing in entertainment and festival events. Royce is a dentist in Richmond.

Heather and Glenn Anderson

Married 13 years on Feb. 14

Mr. and Mrs. Anderson

Mr. and Mrs. Anderson

It all started with Glenn’s father, Coach Louis Anderson, getting remarried. His new wife happened to be Heather’s aunt. So on their anniversary, Lou and Norieta had a party which, Heather and Glenn attended. On that night, neither Heather nor Glenn had included within their plans to find their soul mate. However God had something else in mind and up His sleeve.

That particular night, Heather and Glenn went their own separate ways, but continued to bump into one another at other family gatherings and celebrations. What turned the tide in events was when Glenn learned that Heather had been helping look after his father following surgery. This revealed to Glenn that not only was Heather beautiful, but more importantly her heart was pure and her soul even more attractive.

During that same time, Glenn’s mother, Marva Anderson, had been diagnosed with a serious illness and was recovering from needed treatments. It was eye-opening for Heather to observe Glenn’s genuine concern, care and comfort for his mom throughout her journey. His acts of kindness and love assured Heather that, indeed, this man was invaluable and a God-sent life partner with whom to start their own family and grow old together.

From those two turning points, it was a whirlwind romance. They married on Valentine’s Day in 2003. Their love has produced priceless memories, and they have a beautiful 12-year-old daughter, Elisabeth-Anne.

They are committed to having a lifelong love affair and strive to keep God first in all they say and do for each other. Their service and hearts for others is what not only led them to be attracted to one another, it is the very glue that keeps them connected and committed to one another.

Their love is expressed in all ways and everything they do for others. That is the fire that fuels their united flame and shines bright between them. They are eternally grateful for God knowing what and who they needed for the long haul of life, even when they didn’t.

It was, and will continue to be, the grace and favor of God over their union that will keep them because the love of God will never lose its power.

Heather is worship services coordinator at St. Paul’s Baptist Church. Glenn is an educator with Richmond Public Schools and coach of the girls’ softball team at Armstrong High School.