
Cityscape: Slices of life and scenes in Richmond

Sandra Sellars | 11/8/2019, 6 a.m.
Booklovers who want to share their love of reading have placed a Little Free Library in their yard in the …

Booklovers who want to share their love of reading have placed a Little Free Library in their yard in the 1600 block of Laburnum Avenue in North Side. The national nonprofit Little Free Library program is a free book exchange that encourages people to come and pick a book to read and leave one for others to take for free. The mission is to build a sense of community along with a love of reading by providing free book access to all. The Little Free Library idea was started in 2009 in Wisconsin and has grown across the nation and the globe. Today, there are 90,000 registered mini-libraries in all 50 states and more than 90 countries, including dozens within Metro Richmond. For a map of locations, go to www.littlefreelibrary.org.