

Personality: Shantell J. Chambliss

At the end of East Broad Street in the Oakwood neighborhood is Oakwood Arts Inc., a nonprofit focused on teaching creative skills to youths, building new career opportunities and increasing diversity across multiple fields. For the children of the neighborhood, …

Noted reggae musician Drummie Zeb returns to his Richmond roots

Inspired by the vibrations from the marching bands at the Richmond Christmas Parade, 10-year-old Ernest Myron Williams begged his mother for a set of drums. She scrimped and saved to provide one.

Personality: Chandler M. Hubbard

“Disbelief. Shock. Gratitude. Confusion? Mostly gratitude.” That’s how local actor and playwright Chandler Marshall Hubbard describes his reac- tion after learning his play, “Animal Control,” was selected as a finalist for the American Theatre Critics Association’s Harold and Mimi Steinberg/ATCA …

UR president to present Facebook Live performance

Move over Andrea Bocelli and John Legend. University of Richmond President Ronald A. Crutcher is sharing his music with the world as well.

Personality: Dr. Kristin E. Reed

The first week under Virginia’s stay-at-home order was a time of preparation and isolation for many Richmond residents. For Dr. Kristin E. Reed, it was made up of efforts to educate the public, ensure political transparency and accessibility and build …

Community spirit

The coronavirus pandemic may have slowed or closed some businesses, but it hasn’t dampened the community spirit of merchants in the 300 block of North 2nd Street in Jackson Ward.

Personality: Dr. Pamela J. Royal

Even in the midst of a global pandemic, the work of the Community Foundation for a Greater Richmond and the chair of its Board of Governors, Dr. Pamela J. Royal, goes on.

Kym Grinnage, seven others inducted into Virginia Communications Hall of Fame

Kym Grinnage, vice president and general manager of WWBT-TV NBC12, is among eight media professionals inducted March 26 into the Virginia Communications Hall of Fame.

Visit museums, gardens and historical sites in Richmond and the world online

Richmond area museums are offering on- line activities, virtual tours and resources to youngsters and families as schools are out for the rest of the academic year and museums and other public venues have been closed during the coronavirus pandemic.

Selma Online offers free civil rights lessons amid virus

The first attempt of the historic march from Selma to Montgomery, Ala., in 1965 led to police violence against peaceful African-American demonstrators. The police beatings on what became known as “Bloody Sunday” generated anger across the nation 55 years ago …

Personality: Dawn-Marie Bey

Stories on the plight of the homeless and marginalized can inspire feelings of sadness, empathy and solidarity. For attorney Dawn-Marie Bey, an article she read on social media sparked her to create Period Patch in 2015, an organization that provides …

Boosting the immune system to ward off coronavirus

Medical experts say the coronavirus can particularly impact people age 60 and older, those with underlying medical conditions and whose immune systems may be compromised. A major question, then, is what can people do to boost their immune systems?

Former prosecutor files lawsuit over Central Park 5 series

Within one week, former Manhattan prosecutor Linda Fairstein has filed and lost a libel suit against Netflix and film director Ava DuVernay over her portrayal in the streaming service’s limited series about the Exonerated (formerly Central Park) Five case, which …

Netflix's 'Self Made' tells story of America's first female millionaire

Madam C.J. Walker may be one of America’s most successful “pull yourself up by your own bootstrap” stories, but many people have never heard of her. However, that’s changing, thanks to the recent release of a Netflix limited series starring …

Personality: Kelly King Horne

For Kelly King Horne, the coronavirus pandemic is just the latest challenge added to the stack that she deals with daily. As executive director of Homeward, the 22-year-old nonprofit planning and coordinating group for homeless services in the Richmond area, …